Case Study

Optima Legal automates regulated processes with RPA and AI

Optima Legal Logo in colour

An innovative law firm providing mortgage and property services, Optima Legal is a subsidiary of PEXA Group.


automation of mortgage redemption requests


data items read and matched by AI from mortgage documents


3rd-party lender systems integrated

Optima Legal used robotic process automation (RPA) and AI-based document automation to slash response times, serve borrowers better and cut servicing costs in mortgage offer and redemption processing. Through intelligent automation, Optima now automatically handles 1’000s of redemption requests, redemption statements and mortgage offers per month and integrates robotically the systems of ~30 lenders. The solution implemented by Lithe uses RPA, AI and case management to increase processing capacity by automating previously manual, document-intensive work.


  • Increase processing capacity without expansion of human workforce
  • Ensure accuracy and compliance in a regulated industry
  • Automate detailed, high volume borrower/lender interactions


  • RPA automates formerly manual mortgage offers and redemptions, across multiple lenders
  • AI-based document automation interprets mortgage offers and redemption statements without human intervention
  • Case management drives workflow to achieve performance targets


  • 100% of borrower redemption requests made automatically
  • ~90% of lender redemption statements processed without human intervention
  • Automation of compliance to regulatory requirements

Business Drivers

  • Capacity
  • Compliance
  • Accuracy
  • Speed

Optima Legal implemented robotic process automation (RPA) and AI-based document automation to increase processing capacity while ensuring accuracy and compliance in the highly regulated mortgage industry.

While freeing its human workforce from repetitive, low-value work, Optima increased the speed and reliability of processing, removing the potential for error in processes involving 1,000s of borrowers, lawyers and ~30 lenders. The automation of its processing enables Optima to confidently scale its business.

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