Intelligent Automation for the Enterprise

Increase operational efficiency, standardize processing, and achieve scalability across the enterprise with AI-powered intelligent automation.

Case management illustration with compilation of people working at laptops in a business setting

Intelligent Automation for the Enterprise

Applying automation to streamline routine and time-consuming tasks, minimize manual labor, reduce errors, and increase team productivity is an obligation for businesses in any industry sector. Intelligent automation delivers digital transformation in a single departments, in cross-departmental workflows, and in enterprise-wide processes.

Empower your people wherever they are in the enterprise with intelligent automation that helps them meet business objectives.

Digital transformation icon

Increase consistency of processing

Eliminate errors icon

Reduce errors and exceptions

Reduce costs icon

Eliminate unnecessary processing costs

Create scalable operations

Achieve competitiveness icon

Serve customers better

Customer Success

Lithe delivers successful digital transformation by expertly applying intelligent automation to engage customer more successfully, improve operational efficiency, streamline workflows and eliminate costs of administration.

Your success matters to us. Share your challenges and goals with us and allow our experts to help you automate effectively.

Case Study

Digital Mailroom

BPO adds digital mailroom as 1,000’s switch from paper

Global Insurer

Case Study

Remote Working

Global insurer arms remote workforce in 1 week with digital mail

Intelligent Automation enables digital transformation

Lithe applies AI-driven technologies to the digital transformation of business in multiple business sectors.  Our intelligent automation solutions accelerate the processing of incoming documents and digitize workflows across front- and back-office processes.

robotic process automation RPA logo

Intelligent Document Processing

Automate the intake and understanding of documents from any source

Business Process Automation

Digitize, standardize and streamline rule-based workflows

Business process automation icon

Case Management

Efficiently gather incoming documents and productively engage case workers

Digital mailroom icon

Digital Mailroom

Apply AI to accelerate the distribution and processing of incoming documents


Many business processes are triggered initially by the arrival of a document, such as a customer order, claim form, or a letter of correspondence. Document workflow automation starts by recognizing those incoming documents, extracting essential business information, and routing the documents and data to the right team, individual, or system for processing. Often, multiple people are involved over a period of time, sometimes days or month, in the business process that uses the inbound document.

Document workflow automation ensures the consistent, accurate and efficient flow of work and the secure availability of the document and its data.

The top benefits of intelligent automation vary depending on the specific needs and objectives of an organization. However, the most common significant benefits are increased efficiency, cost savings, improved consistency and accuracy, enhanced productivity, and improved engagement of customers.



Tungsten TotalAgility 8.1 Release

Tungsten Automation, a leader in Intelligent Automation (IA) solutions, recently announced the release of TotalAgility 8.1. This latest platform update significantly…

TotalAgility Document Libraries Slash Time-to-Value

ChatGPT opened the eyes of the general public to the power of AI. Following this revelation, a simple fact quickly…

Upgrading to TotalAgility: What you Need to Know

Upgrading to a new system can be a daunting decision for many organizations. Concerns about cost, disruption, and the overall…

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